Monday, October 5, 2015

Texas State Fair

On Saturday we went to the Texas state fair because Ryan's work gave us free tickets- and we are all for free stuff. However, upon leaving the fair we have decided that we are not in fact, state fair people. I think it's the economics of it all. Brilliant on their part- to have everyone exchange money for tickets then have all the food/rides/games cost tickets- that way it feels like you are spending Monopoly money. So instead of pulling out $6 from your wallet for a corn dog, you just hand them 12 tickets and it feels like a fun game to get a corn dog. People spend SO much money at these things. We were given 80 tickets- so we asked people what we should try and everyone said a corn dog. So we got a corn dog... and then we felt kinda sick and didn't want to try any of the other fried food- which there was a LOT of. I know that's a big reason why some people love the fair- to get to try all the weird fried food (any kind of candy bar, cinnamon rolls, BUTTER, baked potato... etc)... yeah, that's just not us. That didn't appeal to us at all. So we rode the ferris wheel and then gave to rest of our tickets away to a little girl haha. But it was fun just walking around and taking pictures. 

I feel like we weren't given a good Texas welcome upon moving here- like Dallas just seems like a normal big city. It's not as "Texan" as I thought it would be. But I think the Texas State Fair did an excellent job in fulfilling all those Texas stereotypes I had expected to see. So well done! 

It was a fun date night though- if anything it was fun to just walk around and laugh at all the ridiculous things there. 


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