Friday, October 23, 2015

Homemade Pumpkin Pie Hot Chocolate

Guys. Why have I never made my own hot chocolate before?? It is so incredibly easy and way cheaper than buying fancy flavored hot chocolate. AND you can make what ever the flavor you want! 

Don't get me wrong, I love my fair share of pumpkin treats during the Fall... but I honestly don't care for things that are too pumpkiny... or are fake pumpkin tasting. But I wanted to try to make pumpkin pie hot chocolate because it just sounds like it should be good, ya know? So I made my own hot chocolate from scratch and... it is delicious! Seriously so so good. 

For some reason, I can never finish a whole mug full of hot chocolate- like if I use a packet.. I can never drink that much- so half the cup goes to waste. The best part of making your own is that you can determine your own portions! (I guess I could do that anyway by just pouring in half the packet... but I'm never smart enough for that...) Anyway... I now have a hot chocolate mixture that I can just take a little bit at a time and I love it. Also, this would make a great Christmas present to give to your friends who you would like to get them something.. but don't really want to spend a lot of money.. we all have those friends. So make a big batch of hot chocolate, put it in a cute bag, tie a bow on it.. and there ya go. 

It only takes 2 ingredients to make your own hot chocolate! Cocoa and sugar. 

  • Note: Obviously the type of cocoa you use is going to influence how your hot chocolate tastes... so just make sure you use a cocoa that you know you'll like.
I happened to already have this pumpkin pie spice, so I just used some of that to add flavor to the hot chocolate mix... but really use whatever you want- experiment with it! There are probably so many hot chocolate flavors that turn out delicious.
To be honest, I kinda just guessed on the measurements... but it turned out really great. You can adjust them to your liking though. For me, I just used a 2 to 1 ratio of sugar to cocoa. A standard mug of hot chocolate usually takes a few tbs worth of hot chocolate mix, so mixing together 2 tbs of sugar and 1 tbs of cocoa will definitely give you a single serving of hot chocolate! But you could make a few cups worth to save for those days you need to be cozy wrapped up in a throw blanket, drinking hot chocolate. For the pumpkin pie spice, I honestly just added in a bit at a time until I thought the taste was strong enough, but not too overpowering. Definitely error on adding less at first- you can always add more. 

This seriously took like 3 minutes to make- and it was delicious. So you should try it! 


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