Thursday, September 24, 2015

DIY Wall Calendar

Ok, I don't know if this really counts as a DIY... but just go with it. Really this is just a creative way to hang a calendar. I am working on decorating a craft space and want a cute calendar to hang above my desk. I have seen calendars hung on clipboards (which is also cute), but I think this is another unique way to hang whatever you want- and it looks great on the wall. 
- Calendar (this adorable one is from Chantel Emma)
- Pant Clamp hanger (here- except actually in the store you can find them in packs of 4)
- Spray Paint
-Masking Tape
1. We are going to spray paint the metal part of the hanger (unless you prefer it silver), so cover the wood part with masking tape so that the paint won't get on it. 
2. Spray paint the metal part of the hanger- both sides. 
3. Print out a cute calendar and simply clamp it on the hanger

And you're done. See.. told ya it might not really count as a DIY.. but hey, it looks really cute on the wall. 


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