Monday, September 14, 2015

Dalmatian Spots

I was a big fan of the dalmatian spots the minute it was in style. I'm not a huge fan of traditional polka dots, so once I saw these spots everywhere, I was on board. I think they just make such a great accent piece... a throw pillow, accent chair, lil section of wallpaper.. and now I found a way to weave it into an outfit! This is by far one of the best F21 finds yet- high neck and dalmatian spots=yes, buy me now. 

Ryan and I went for a walk at our new favorite spot- White Rock Lake and it was actually really nice outside! Ha when we got back in the car, we saw that the temperature was still 85 degrees...which isn't that cool, but it felt really nice because we are used to 100 degree weather. So hooray for Texas finally cooling down! 

Also, ignore that the pictures are a tad grainy... we didn't make it to the lake quite early enough to hit the good lighting. 

Top: F21 (unfortunately I can't seem to find it online.. but this is similar)
Skirt: Gap (currently in Gap Factory stores)
Floppy Hat: on sale at Old Navy


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