Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Copper Pipe Ponytail

So this hair style was inspired by this post from the blog Treasures and Travels-(really cute blog). I loved the idea, and wanted to recreate it. These copper pipes come pre cut at Home Depot. This one was $0.88 I believe... worth it. I love this because 1. I am obsessed with copper (as you all know) and this just gives me one more way to integrate it into my life, 2. I am a big fan of finding different ways to put my hair up- cause my hair down in Texas humidity just doesn't work most of the time, nor do I have the patience for it. SO I just thought this was just a super cute and unique way to mix things up in the ponytail department. 
Also, I'm thinking a whole post could be created about How To Make Things Found in Home Depot Fashionable. I seriously have gone there maybe as much as I have gone to Target in the past month...
I chose to do a dutch braid all the way down one side of my head because I love the look of that when you pull the braid apart some and make it bigger. I just thought it added some lovely texture to compliment the copper pipe. Also it helps keep the pipe in place better. But I do think it could look super classy with just the pipe and super straight, sleek hair. Also, a fishtail braid would look good with it. OR I think I want to get a smaller size pipe- and use it in like a half pony of some sort... yeah, I'm gonna try that.. pictures to come! Regardless if you braid your hair or not, I recommend braiding your whole ponytail at first to slip the copper pipe on... it makes the process a lot easier when your hair is braided together- then you can unravel it once the pipe is secure at the top.
 Try it. It's really cute. Thanks Treasures and Travels for your creative minds!

Saturday, September 26, 2015

DIY: Wood Polaroid Magnets

Guys. This is my third post this week- whaaa? I know. I decided that if I was going to be serious about getting this blog rolling, I needed to produce a lot of content- meaning three times a week. That is my goal, and the first week has been successful. Ha, we will see if it continues... but I am really going to try! 
Today, I made these really cute polaroid magnets. I know this isn't a super original idea, since I have seen them before on Pinterest, though I have never actually clicked on the pin. But I came across these cute little wood rectangles at the craft store, and thought making instagram polaroids would be a great way to add some personality to our kitchen. So maybe this is different from the other tutorials out there.. maybe it is exactly the same- idk, but either way, you should make them cause they turn out really cute. 
- Card Stock (I already had a poster board, so I just cut rectangles out the same size as the wood rectangles) 
-Mod Podge (I found this one in the $1 bins at Target)
- Magnets (I bought a magnet roll that you can just cut)
-Wood Rectangles (I found these at Michael's)
-Pictures (I made this 4X6 collage on Walmart Photo's website- super cheap and the pictures turn out to be the perfect size. I just used some of my Instagram photos)
1. Cut out the individual photos
2. Trace you photo onto one of the pieces of card stock. 
3. Cut the square you traced out- making the polaroid shape. 
 4. Using mod podge, or some other glue, glue the card stock frame on top of your photo. Then, glue the card stock/photo to the wood rectangle.
5. Since I used mod podge to glue the frame on, I also just painted a coat onto the top to give the magnet a nice glossy finish. 
6. Add your magnets to the back of the frames (for some reason the magnets weren't sticking very well, so I glued them down with super glue to make sure they hold. 
 And you're done! You can write on the bottoms of them if ya want to give them that polaroid feel- or just leave them be and stick em on your fridge or any other magnetic board. But that's it- super easy and cute! 

Thursday, September 24, 2015

DIY Wall Calendar

Ok, I don't know if this really counts as a DIY... but just go with it. Really this is just a creative way to hang a calendar. I am working on decorating a craft space and want a cute calendar to hang above my desk. I have seen calendars hung on clipboards (which is also cute), but I think this is another unique way to hang whatever you want- and it looks great on the wall. 
- Calendar (this adorable one is from Chantel Emma)
- Pant Clamp hanger (here- except actually in the store you can find them in packs of 4)
- Spray Paint
-Masking Tape
1. We are going to spray paint the metal part of the hanger (unless you prefer it silver), so cover the wood part with masking tape so that the paint won't get on it. 
2. Spray paint the metal part of the hanger- both sides. 
3. Print out a cute calendar and simply clamp it on the hanger

And you're done. See.. told ya it might not really count as a DIY.. but hey, it looks really cute on the wall. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Target Fall 2015 Collection

Basically, Target has made a lot of money off of me lately. I am obsessed with everything in the decor section right now. Ask Ryan. Everytime we go there (which has been like everyday for the past week), I just walk around exclaiming how cute everything is... like seriously Target.. well done. Thank you for making decorating an apartment a whole heck of a lot easier. 
I have complied a list of some of my top picks- honestly I wish I could put everything on this list because I just love everything so much. Like I don't know if I am getting this point across- but Target rocks. I would buy the whole decor section if my bank account wasn't already slightly annoyed with me. 
1. Whitewash Mirror with Copper Inset - I personally own this and love it. I am going through a hexagon and copper phase, so when I saw this (on sale!), I had to buy it. And it is beautiful.
2. Red Throw Blanket - This cozy throw blanket represents the 20 other throw blankets I want to buy from Target.
3. Modern Chair - I love modern furniture and just think that this is a good looking chair. Classy, grey, so it will match anything- and it's actually really comfy. And on sale.
4. Mid Century Modern Accent Table - Another mid century modern piece. Love em. I don't really know why I love the mid century stuff so much- I think it's the legs. But this is another piece that I think would be a great nightstand.
5. Plaid Felt Stag Head - Ok target has a whole line of plaid right now. I am a big fan of it. However, it is definitely a seasonal thing. Still super cute though. And who doesn't love a big plaid deer head??
6. Cream and Metallic Diamond Area Rug - I just bought this for my living room and love it! First of all, you can't really go wrong with Nate Berkus. Second, the rug is perfect because it is neutral enough to work with most things, but it brings some life into the room because when light shines on it, it sparkles! (Heart eyes emoji)
7. Copper Accent Table with Marble Top - I love this. And will most likely be one of my next purchases to be placed right by my couch.
8. Storage Bin with Copper Handles - I am well aware that the only reason I am drawn to this is because it has copper handles. What I would use it for.. I don't really know, but I still want it in my home.
9. Gold Cart - I actually already have a utility cart from IKEA, but I am still listing this in my favorites because I know how great they look in a kitchen! Add a cute serving tray and some plants and bam- your kitchen just got 10x cuter.

Seriously, just go walk around Target. It will make you a happier person. 


Friday, September 18, 2015

Faux Calligraphy

After weeks of moving into our apartment, we finally bought a couch. Which is great cause now when people come visit us we don't have to awkwardly suggest 'make yourselves comfortable on our floor...'. But now that the couch is in place, there is a big empty wall behind it that seems even more empty than it did when there wasn't a couch..SO I have decided to start making an art/picture gallery. 
I'm planning on actually making a lot of the art for it because 1. right now I have the time to do so, 2. saves money and 3. it is just fun. From searching for inspiration for this gallery, however, I noticed that I am drawn to work with some sort of calligraphy present. That being said, most really good looking calligraphy fonts are like $20 and you have to have some sort of Adobe software like Photoshop or Illustrator to actually use the fonts, both of which I do not have. Calligraphy kits themselves aren't that expensive, but I don't think I need the ink and the special pen to actually make things look pretty comparable. So I am faking it. And it actually doesn't look half bad. 
I don't know if this appeals to anyone else, but I figured I'd just share some of the tips I've learned in case anyone else wanted to learn how to make your writing look prettier. 

1. Find your style. There are actually quite a few different looks to calligraphy- some more bubbly than others, some thinner...etc. I suggest going to Pinterest and typing in "calligraphy" in the search bar and just looking at all the different kinds of fonts- find one or two that you really like. 
2. Practice your letters. Yeah so you know the girls who would practice their handwriting for hours to perfect it... yeah, that was me in elementary, middle, and high school. But this is what you need to do. Once you find some styles you like- copy it. Like literally trace it and practice every letter. Know what style of letter looks the best. This is important because you want the letters to all have the same style to make each word look uniform. 
3. Practice your cursive. I was always really bad at cursive. I could never really get the hang of it in third grade, so I just never used it. But now is the time to learn. Use all those letters you practiced and now just write in cursive, figuring out how to transition from letter to letter. Don't worry about trying to make it look like calligraphy, just focus on the shape, style, and transition. 
4. Enlarge the down-strokes. Basically the whole calligraphy look is achieved by fattening up your down-strokes, making sure that the beginning and end of the stroke blend back into the original print (so the middle of each down-stroke will be the thickest). You want the whole word to look cohesive and it to not just have random thick lines throughout it- blend everything so it looks nice. 
5. Practice. Write slowly, be patient, and just practice a lot. It gets easier and you will get better :)

Monday, September 14, 2015

Dalmatian Spots

I was a big fan of the dalmatian spots the minute it was in style. I'm not a huge fan of traditional polka dots, so once I saw these spots everywhere, I was on board. I think they just make such a great accent piece... a throw pillow, accent chair, lil section of wallpaper.. and now I found a way to weave it into an outfit! This is by far one of the best F21 finds yet- high neck and dalmatian spots=yes, buy me now. 

Ryan and I went for a walk at our new favorite spot- White Rock Lake and it was actually really nice outside! Ha when we got back in the car, we saw that the temperature was still 85 degrees...which isn't that cool, but it felt really nice because we are used to 100 degree weather. So hooray for Texas finally cooling down! 

Also, ignore that the pictures are a tad grainy... we didn't make it to the lake quite early enough to hit the good lighting. 

Top: F21 (unfortunately I can't seem to find it online.. but this is similar)
Skirt: Gap (currently in Gap Factory stores)
Floppy Hat: on sale at Old Navy

Friday, September 4, 2015

DIY: Twine Hanging

The perk of not having a job yet is that I get to craft all day er'day. Which is good, cause decorating an apartment is expensive! Like I knew furniture would be a chunk of money, but you don't really think about how much the little decorating stuff is.. like wall hangings, prints, side tables, rugs, etc. Who knew? Therefore, I am planning on DIYing a lot- cause really you can save so much money if you just do things yourself. 

Now that we have a bed, I decided to make this super cute twine hanging to go over it to give the room a little boho style. This tutorial/idea came from Brit+Co and I love it. Really you can do any type of style, but I liked the tassel look. 

I don't really know what I was thinking, cause I didn't take any pictures during the process of making this.. dumb Lindsay. But it is seriously so easy to make that I figured I could still list the steps and it would be easy to follow without pictures. Or you can just follow the Brit+Co tutorial. It has pictures. 

The DIY is awesome cause it only uses 2 things: twine and a dowel! Both of which I got at Home Depot for cheap cheap. 

  • 2 rolls of household cotton twine
  • 1 dowel (the ones at Home Depot are long enough for me to cut in half, so I didn't have to buy two of them)  
  • Optional: dye/watercolor/some sort of coloring if you want to dye part of your twine  
  1. Cut your dowel in half... or just make 2 dowels the same size- whatever size you want them to be
  2. For the bottom layer, you will use a whole roll of twine. Measure and cut yard long pieces of twine. Yes this takes a while... so put on some Netflix or something. 
  3. Once the twine is cut, fold each piece in half and attach to one of your dowels (once folded, you should have 18 inch long fringe.) I put each piece folded on the dowel and tied a knot at the bottom of the dowel. Repeat till all your twine is gone. (Depending on the size you want this hanging to be, you can use less or more twine- also you can make the pieces longer or shorter obviously... up to you.)
  4. To make the second tassel layer, start cutting yard long pieces of twine from your second roll. You will probably use about half of the roll. 
  5. Take about 20 pieces and cut them into fourths/fifths (depending on how short/long you want the tassels to be- shorter tassels if you cut into fifths) 
  6. Take an extra yard long piece and one of the group of 20 you just cut. Using the yard long piece, tie a knot around the center of the little cluster of twine (so that when you pick up the long piece of twine, the cluster folds in half. 
  7. Now, using either a piece already in the cluster or another little piece of left over twine, tie a knot around the cluster kinda near the top (this is making the tassel). Just let the left over string hang down with the rest of the fringe. 
  8. If you want to add some color to the tassels- now is the time to do so. Pour dye, or watercolor, or maybe food coloring works (idk, but probably it does cause watercolors did) - into a bowl and let your tassels soak in there for 10ish minutes. Pull em out, let them dry and bam- you have pretty colored tassels. 
  9. My hanging has 14 tassels... really you can make as many as you want- but once you have finished that, tie them onto the other dowel in whatever arrangement you like. They can just be in a straight line, or diagonal pattern like mine.. circle... random.. whatever you like. 
  10. Take a piece of yard long string and attach the two dowels together (by tying knots) on each side. This will give you excess string in the middle to hang your hanging. 
  11. Find a blank wall and hang it up! 
Hopefully that wasn't too confusing- it's really not hard to make and pretty intuitive when you think about it. But next time I make something I will be sure to document the process cause pictures are just more fun to look at anyway, and I am definitely one of those learners where it really helps for me to actually see what is being talked about. So if this was confusing, sorry. My bad. I will be better next time. But you should try to make this anyway cause it's dang cute.