Wednesday, August 26, 2015

DIY: Stone Rings

I have been sooo excited to make these rings since I bought the stones back in April. I just now finally had time to actually sit down and figure it out! At the beginning of this year, I started noticing these stone rings a lot- and I really loved them! But when I first saw pictures of them, I thought- I could totally just make those. So when Ryan and I were in Peru and a little lady was selling turquoise and quartz stones, I had to buy them. And then Ryan bought the silver thin wire and surprised me with it so that I could make the rings! So I finally made them, and I LOVE them. Seriously so easy to make and they just look really cool haha. 

-  Pliers (these just really help wrap the wire tightly)
- Stones (honestly this can be kinda tricky to find... I know you can buy some on Amazon or Ebay... it just might take some searching to find a price where you're not buying a bulk of stones- or you could and then make super cool rings and sell them)
- Wire (Craft stores will have silver or gold thin wire like this- personally I think the gold would look really good) 

1. Stretch the wire out (to measure it out, I loosely wrap the wire around my finger about 5 times and then use the pliers to cut it)
 2. Starting from the middle, wrap the wire twice into a circle. To keep the circle in place, wrap the wire ends around the middle once on each side (like in the picture). Make sure to slip it on your finger a couple times in the process to make sure the size is right. 

 3. Place your stone in the middle. Starting with one side, wrap the wire around the stone and then using the pliers, wrap the rest of the wire in a coil around the wire circle to keep the stone in place. Then clamp the end of the wire down with the pliers so that the ring won't poke ya. 
 4. Do the same with the other side- and then you are done!



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