Sunday, January 25, 2015

Current Decor Obsessions

 Things I am slightly obsessed with for no apparent reason: 

1. SUCCULENTS: I seriously think they are so darling. A few weeks ago I told Ryan that I thought succulents would be good house plants cause they are super low maintenance and cute- double win- and now I see pictures of them everywhere! Just brings some life into your home without having to buy new flowers every week, ya know? 

2. DALMATIAN SPOTS: I believe I first saw this picture of spotted wall paper (which I think the website says it's leopard print... but it kinda looks dalmatian) and thought it was the coolest thing. Like I would feel so cool having a little wall like that. So fun. And now I keep seeing tons of cute spotted stuff- pillows, window curtains, chairs, pots- I just think the non-uniformed polka dots are a nice change.

 3. GOLD FOIL PRINTS: Ok really I'm obsessed with all sorts of prints right now (especially floral or any from rifle paper co.) but I'm extra in love with gold foil prints. I've already planned how I want to decorate walls and desk areas with them when we get a new house. And the best part is... it doesn't look that difficult to make them yourself- which I am all for DIYing. These will be a good weekend project. 

4.WOOD DECOR: I haven't always been a fan of wood decorations- don't really know why- but after envying my adorable neighbor Rileigh's decked out apartment- I've become obsessed. Seriously, you can make some stinkin cute stuff! So when we get back to the states I am going to make Ryan do some crafts :) 

 (From Here)
 5. COPPER: Over the past few months, Ryan's parents have given us a few really cool copper bowls & I love them! They will be so fun to decorate with. Copper kinda clashes with my whole love for gold though.. so I need to find a way to incorporate both. Just like little pops of copper here and there. 

like a cool mirror
 or cool lil pots to put my succulents in! see, they are everywhere. 

I think I'm spending way too much time on Pinterest looking for ways to decorate cause we currently live in a closet: with 4 blank walls and our clothes hanging on a soccer goal... but that's ok! We love our Paraguay adventure. This just gives me something to look forward to when we get back :) 


Monday, January 12, 2015

Lo Siento...No Hablo Español

Welp. If you haven't already heard... we moved to Paraguay.
And will be here for the next 5 months. 

After 22 hours of travel 
(SLC-Detroit-Sao Paulo- Asuncion)
we made it! 

 We have been here less than a week, but it's already been an adventure.


1. It is 100 degrees everyday + humidity. Thankfully our room has ac. 

2. Speaking of our room- Ryan and I were placed in this lovely spot in the house. 
 And this is how you get to it.Just walk down the creepy alley.
But actually we really like it. We have one dresser and a bed. What more do you need?

3. Probably the biggest challenge is not getting hit by a car. Seriously. They don't slow down. At all. And it's kinda a free for all when driving. No lanes. Just go wherever, whenever you want basically. Makes playing Frogger across the street so much more exhilarating.

4. To get on a bus you just hold your arm out and one comes. Like a taxi. Also something new for me. 

5. We helped with the Elevate business school on Saturday. We were placed into teams and played that game where you start with something little and then have to keep trading to get bigger and better things.. ya know.. yeah well we played that for 3 hours in the city. Keep in mind, I don't speak Spanish. So I just followed my team around all day. But we won! We started with a dry ball of clay and ended up with 85,000 guaraní (like $20). Ryan gets the MVP award. He sold clothes random people gave us to other random people on the streets. So funny.

6. Meet Kaitlin (4) and Julianne (2). When asked, "Why are you beautiful?" They reply, "Because of my heart, my mind, and the light in my eyes." When their dad says good job, now why is Lindsay beautiful, they say, "Cause she has earrings and a hair tie." From that moment I knew we would become great friends- until I was blackmailed by the 4 year old saying she wouldn't give my ring back until I gave her, her own ring and lipstick. 
Also you have to be sneaky when taking their picture, cause if they catch you they will make this face. 

7. Apparently selling mangoes here would be like "selling sand at the beach." So we learned that all fruit is basically free. So bring on the mango smoothies. 

8. Everyone thinks I'm kidding when I say, "no hablo".. and they laugh and then continue to speak to me in Spanish... and then I just stare at them until they realize I do not in fact speak Spanish. Something I gotta work on. 

9. We actually live in a really nice neighborhood. And our house is extremely nice as well.

PC: Ryan (he is really enjoying this photography stuff- which works in my favor) 
Cobblestone roads 
 And I just thought this was cool- glass on this person's fence so no one will climb over. Cool/slightly scary.

We are excited to be here! 

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Let's Go 2015

I was never really one to get super stoked for the new year- I mean new years are great- just they've been pretty much the same for the past 4 years (except for some family vacations)- but my years always consisted of: go to school, come home for breaks, go back to school...
BUT I am honestly super excited for 2015. Cause it's gonna be crazy. 
Before making some resolutions and plans though- I wanna scrapbook some events from 2014... cause it was a dang good year. 

2014 Highlights:
  • Moab trip for Ryan's birthday- skydiving and rope swinging 
  • Road trip to Kentucky 
  • We got engaged April 28th 
  • Ryan studies at Oxford for a few weeks
  • The Farm 
  • Lindsay goes to Europe
  • Married: August 15th
  • Cancun honeymoon
  • First apartment together; last semester of school
  • We graduated from BYU
  • Dominican Republic Christmas
So yeah- 2014 is going to be hard to beat. But so far 2015 isn't looking too shabby: 
Starting with the first big announcement: 


I'm honestly not quite sure what we will actually be doing there, but we will be working for Elevate- which creates English and business schools... kinda like a mini MBA school I think. So whatever we will be doing, I'm sure it'll be great. 

JUNE: Derek gets home from his mission
JULY: Tyler gets home from his mission 
(so we'll probably be with both families throughout June and July welcoming our brothers home/meeting them for the first time haha) 
AUGUST: Ryan accepted a consulting job with PwC- so we are moving to Dallas! 

It will be a busy year, but we are so excited for the adventures to come.

Usually my New Year's resolutions aren't very exciting and very similar each year, so this time I decided to come up with some really good ones. 

  1. Ok this is what I want to focus on for 2015- I realize it's not really a goal, but I think it's a great message. I know sometimes I can get caught up in things that don't really matter- so I want to really try to focus on my actions this year. Serve. Be nice. Make wise choices. Be happy. Share the gospel. Ya know, all those good things. 
  2. Learn Spanish! I've been dying to learn another language- but it's hard trying to do it yourself! But living in Paraguay for 5 months will be a perfect opportunity for me to really work at it- so I'm gonna do it. 
  3. Become pro at Adobe video editing software
  4. Finish the Book of Mormon with Ryan- then start it all over again! 
  5. Learn to paint. And decorate new apartment with said paintings. 
  6. Run a half marathon. I know I know- I hate running- but I want to be able to run 13 miles nonstop- why? I don't really know. Cause yeah, right now even thinking about that sounds awful. We'll see on this one.. 
  7. Grow my hair out to be long and HEALTHY- key word there
  8. Find a job in Dallas- This one may be tricky cause I don't exactly know what I want to do with my degree yet. 
  9. Learn how to make Ryan's mom's rolls... and other dishes so that I can properly feed my husband 
  10. Make new friends in Dallas- honestly I'm hoping I get called to work with the young women cause I relate to them way better. Or sunbeams. Either one. They are the easiest friends to make. 

I hope everyone had a great New Years and has rad plans for 2015. 
 I will think of all my friends suffering in the Utah winter as I eat a never ending supply of mangos in 90 degree Paraguay :) 
