Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Holiday Gift Guide: Men

This is more for me than anyone else... cause guys are just so dang hard to shop for. But if you're interested- here are 8 super great gifts to get a guy for Christmas- courtesy of 
J Crew Factory. Thank you. 

Happy Holiday Shopping :) 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

DIY Ghost Pics

guys... what do married people do for halloween??

seriously though. you can't just walk down condo row anymore and jump
from party to party.. well i guess you could, but that would be weird. 

sooo what did we do?? took pictures and made ourselves look like ghosts. 


now i will share this wisdom with all- in case you have the sudden urge to take ghost pics

 STEP 1: take 2 pics (one of just the background and one with you in the picture)

STEP 2: Load pictures on some sort of photo editing software (I like pixlr cause it's free)
            Load the background picture first- then click on the layer tab and "open image as layer" 
 then insert your next picture
 on the right- click on the lil toggle layer button
& then just play around with the opacity! 

so easy. and you get a sweet looking pic. 

so happy halloween everyone.

maybe next year we'll have married friends to go trick-or-treating with :)

Sunday, November 2, 2014


they win the most beautiful couple award. 


just watch....

password: cara+ray

see, told ya. 

*song: I Choose You- by the lovely Sara Bareilles